Whenever I pack for one of my trips, I have help. Here are photos of my assistants. One moment I’ll be alone in the bedroom, placing the empty suitcase on my bed to pack. The next moment, I’ll have at least one assistant, and sometimes more than one.
I can always count on Blaze to help me pack. Once he settles into a suitcase, it’s hard to get him out. If I try to lift him out, he’ll simply plop right back into it.

Ashley often glares at me while I’m packing. I think she’s scheming about what kind of trouble she’ll make for my husband while I’m gone.

Blaze is especially fond of the small size of underseater bags. They’re just the right size for him to curl up. Though, perhaps they’re too small for his 14-inch tail.

Sometimes two of them try to help me at the same time. That’s always interesting.

Blaze seems to be telling me that he thinks I’m done packing, whether or not I agree.

Ashley is finding my brand-new suitcase interesting. She’s making sure I pack it with some cat hair.

I thought it was a suitcase. But he thought it was a bed or a bathtub!

It appears there’s no room left for my computer….